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R-477 Front and rear suspension (stops, shock absorber bushings, stabilizer rod and pin)
Package with 10 parts
Weight: 1,3 (kg)
(R-477) compatible with vehicles from the following manufacturers: Mercedes Benz e Agrale / Volare.

- Front and rear suspension (stops, shock absorber bushings, stabilizer rod and pin)
Mercedes Benz
Agrale / Volare
Acess Catalog
Mercedes Benz

Replace OE Number 384.320.7050 and R-453 - R-477A - R-477T

Stabilizer bar bi split bush (with tube) of front and rear suspension axle (Bar OE Number 384.320.7011).

Dimensions: Outer 45mm x 47mm x Inner 14,1mm x Lenght 44mm

1214C 2414 - 6X4 1944S 1938S 1938 1723 LS 2638 2418 2423B - 6X4 2428 - 6X4 LK 1418R LS 1634 LS 1633 LS 1632 LS 1630 LS 1625 LS 1623 LK 1418 LS 1622 LK 2420 LK 2418 LK 2325 LK 2318 LK 1721 LK 1718 LK 1714 LK 2425 LK 1414 L 2325 L 1634 LB 2425 LB 2418 LB 2325 LB 2318 LA 2425 - 6X6 L 2638 L 2425 L 2418 LK 1218R L 2414 L 2318 L 2314 L 1935 L 1725 L 1721 L 1718 L 1714 LK 1621 LK 1620 LK 1618 LK 1614 1215C 1214K 1721S LS 1938 1722S 1723S L 1622 L 1621 L 1620 - 6X2 L 1618 L 1615 L 1614 L 1418R L 1418E L 1418 L 1414 L 1218R 1318 2423K - 6X4 1414 1418K L 1633 L 1632 L 1625 L 1623 1721 1720 - 6X2 1720K 1718M 1718K 1718AK 1718A 1715 1714K 1714 1618M 1420 1418R 1418
OF 1318E OF 1318 OF 1317 OF 1315 O 500U/1725 O 500M/1732 O 500M/1725 OF 1319 O 500M/1728 OH 1625 OF 1417 OF 1320 OF 1618 OH 1521 O 500M/1417S OH 1520 OH 1518 OH 1420 OH 1418 OH 1318 OF 1724 OF 1722 OF 1721 OF 1621 OF 1620
Mercedes Benz

Replace OE Number 6010. and R-453 - R-477A - R-477T

Stabilizer bar bi split bush (with tube) of front and rear suspension axle.

Dimensions: Outer 45mm x 47mm x Inner 14,1mm x Lenght 44mm

1215C LAK 1418 LK 1214 LK 1215 LK 1218 LK 1414 LK 1418 LA 1418 LK 1614 LK 1620 1938S 1944S 1718M LS 1938 1938 1723S 1721S LK 1621 LK 1714 LK 1718 LK 1721 LS 1622 LK 1618 LS 1633 L 1625 L 1620 1214K 1318 1414K 1418K 1618M 1714K L 1622 1718K 1722S
O 500M/1417S O 500M/1728 O 500M/1725 O 500U/1725 O 500M/1732 OF 1318 OF 1319 OH 1521 OH 1525 OF 1620 OF 1621 OF 1722 OF 1724 OH 1420 OH 1520 OF 1619
Agrale / Volare

Replace OE Number 6010. and R-453 - R-477A - R-477T

Stabilizer bar bi splited bush (with tube) of rear suspension axle.

Dimensions: Outer 45mm x 47mm x Inner 14,1mm x Lenght 44mm

Micro Agrale:
MA 9.2 - TCE
MA 12.0 MA 15.0 - TCE

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