Replace OE Number. 2T0.105.251 / 3907615 / 3911330 / 3912543
3914450 / 3925560
Crankshaft vibration damper. Engine CUMMINS 4BT - 4BTAA
6BT - 6BTA - 6BTAA - 6BTS - 6BT5.3 - 5.9 Turbo Diesel - séries C 8.3 L Mechanic.
Damper Ø 246 X 173 mm with 8 grooves Poly “V”, with central hole 24 mm, 4 holes of Ø 16 mm and 4 threads M12 x 1,75 .
Replace OE NUmber. BF5X6316A / TJA105259 / 3907615 / 3911330
3912543 / 3914450 / 3925560
Crankshaft vibration damper. Engine CUMMINS 4BT - 4BTAA
6BT - 6BTA - 6BTAA - 6BTS - 6BT5.3 - 5.9 Turbo Diesel - séries C 8.3 L Mechanic.
Damper Ø 246 X 173 mm with 8 grooves Poly “V”, with central hole 24 mm, 4 holes of Ø 16 mm and 4 threads M12 x 1,75 .
Replace OE Number 3907615 / 3911330 / 3912543 / 3914450 / 3925560
Crankshaft vibration damper. Engine CUMMINS 4BT - 4BTAA
6BT - 6BTA - 6BTAA - 6BTS - 6BT5.3 - 5.9 Turbo Diesel - séries C 8.3 L Mechanic.
Damper Ø 246 X 173 mm with 8 grooves Poly “V”, with central hole 24 mm, 4 holes of Ø 16 mm and 4 threads M12 x 1,75 .